We Love Icons.
Everybody loves icons. Weloveicons
In fact, ICON is now a big contributory in graphics and web developing industry. Back in the days, when we say ICON, the initial quo-notation is "small picture/graphic", "desktop icon" and or so and an Icon was just a representation.
As the evolution of graphics, designs, pictures, grew to e-commerce, ICONS became more than a 64x64 or 32x32 pixel size of an image. If you may notice, Icons are now more popular in terms "customization of graphics" widely available BEST OF FREE: A Master List of great icons recognized everywhere. It may not matter to some, but students and young e-entrepreneurs buy of websites with icons and logos appealing to them, tendency is, habitual visits in your sites.
Not only icons for small images but ICONS in sets are also available in 256 pixels and 512 pixels in PNG, other than FAVICONS and ICO formats. Aside from transparent icons, there is also DOCK ICONS, more suitable for desktop, or OS Icons.
DeviantArt has the wide variety of graphic artist and their works are FREE for personal use. Acknowledging their masterpieces will not harm you after all. Credit is somehow a plaque of our appreciation for their tireless inspirations and a well-deserved praises for their effort.

I honestly and love downloading icons at Weloveicons.
A one-stop-shop for all graphicionado. They gathered and uploaded one of the best designed icons and logos for free. Your downloaded icons may be converted into your desired format if it is not supported by your OS or other programs. Links provided made available from the original artist and thats really a humbling task. Artist to be acknowledged for their work is such a rewarding feeling, especially in the cyber world where everyone claims the other.
What captured me is the ARCHIGRAPHS. Their works are truly exceptional. The image is surreal, and elegant. You could actually taste devotion, blood and effort in every detailed cinematographic artwork. I've used some of their works in projects and to a few, here. What is good about Archigraphs.com is they made sure they can be downloaded in MAC or in WINdows and in PNG, Just like Weloveicons.
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