Best Twitter Application - TweetDeck
Been having a hard time updating different and tons of twitter account for one message? Twitter is not new to us. Celebs, Politicians, business wo/man, even students at young age been using it. For those who don't know, it is a blog with limited number of characters allowed, maximum to 200 characters. Micro blog indeed.
But nowadays, Twitter is not just for simply broadcasting thoughts, but the fastest way to deliver news on air.

I've been using Tweetdeck, though it didn't sustained due to technical problems arose with my gadgets, it is indeed topnotch freeware guaranteed and function is truly exceptional. Sure there are "a lot" of freewares dealing with Twitter, but none of them find the best solution to level with Tweetdeck.
Not only it has multiple columns (for mentions, friends updates, hash tags), where you can monitor and allow you to search people without leaving your current page, you can also monitor people who have been mentioning you in their tweets, again without leaving your current page. You may also add a column of Hash tag topics in case you dont want to miss anything, i.e., Angelina Jolie's #tombrider
But nowadays, Twitter is not just for simply broadcasting thoughts, but the fastest way to deliver news on air.

I've been using Tweetdeck, though it didn't sustained due to technical problems arose with my gadgets, it is indeed topnotch freeware guaranteed and function is truly exceptional. Sure there are "a lot" of freewares dealing with Twitter, but none of them find the best solution to level with Tweetdeck.
Not only it has multiple columns (for mentions, friends updates, hash tags), where you can monitor and allow you to search people without leaving your current page, you can also monitor people who have been mentioning you in their tweets, again without leaving your current page. You may also add a column of Hash tag topics in case you dont want to miss anything, i.e., Angelina Jolie's #tombrider
What i like about Tweetdeck is you're not only allowed to use multiple twitter accounts but as well as other social network applications. You may turn them off if you don't want to update i.e., your facebook, or leave it ON to update simultaneously. You can view Videos from Youtube as well directly to your Tweetdeck App in a tweet.