Happy Mother's Day Mom. Happy Birthday Dad

Dear Mom, 

i know you probably reading this now, haha. I just want to say that i know i am such a stubborn but you have a huge patience towards me and my siblings. I am so sorry for that and even if you don't say it, I know you are happy to where me and my brothers are right now. just a little more patience and everything will be fine, completely.

I spank you, I pull your lips, i pinch your cheeks, i know sometimes you're annoyed but regardless of it all, you still manage to smile and laugh, like a devil laugh towards my naughtiness. i just want to make you happy :D

I love you so much Mom :) muuuah~ please, take care of yourself always.

Dear Dad, 

i know i know, i made you tampo again. i am so sorry... but i swear, i remember your day. how could i not to? right? i always thought and feel that you only wants what is best for me and my brothers and i don't ignore that. life is not perfect, our relationship, but please forgive us if we had tendencies to neglect you, but we didn't mean it. Soon, kuya will be marrying, and even if you keep on reminding me to have a boyfriend and tease you to recommend your boss' son, haha, you are still cool.

You're the coolest yet strict. My confidante and boyfriend. My Twin. haha :D

Happy Happy Birthday Dad ^^ i love you always.

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