a peck on the cheek on Nice's face.
a sweet hug to Ate Donna.
a big "ang taray" to Tina
a big "panalo" to Yesha
what are all these all about anyway?
i was sooo happy for my friends that everyone of us got high grade in the prelim TARIFF REVIEW exam. it was such a relief! hahaha. damn, if you could only see my actions, i was going gaga of such happiness.
i had a 1 hour nap early this morning. Me and Ate Donna been awake til wee hours of the morning just to study for the evaluation exam, we were talking and discussing over the phone of what we are studying. yeah it sucks but it was worth it. of course, i was a bit disappointed because i didn't do well. i didn't failed though, but knowing you helped someone in a little way was such a great feeling.

it feels like...Christmas in a way.

i love this day